
Topic, "Search for Extraterrestrial Life"

At 7PM on Wednesday 7 April, at Taste, in College Park, we'll have a fascinating discussion for you.

Our very own cofounder, Derek Demeter, who is also Director of the Seminole Community College Planetarium, will describe the scientific approach to discovering life beyond the Planet Earth. Topics will include the biological definition of life, looking for extremephiles here on Earth, the search for primitive life on bodies in our Solar System, the search for planets beyond our solar system that could harbor life, and ways to communicate with possible Extraterrestrial Intelligence through the methods of radio Astronomy.


717 W. Smith Street
Orlando, United States

Taste is near the corner of Princeton Street (really Smith Street after the fork) and Edgewater Drive, so about 2 minutes from I-4 to parking. One can park on the street or in the parking lot behind Taste.

From I-4, drive a few blocks to Edgewater Drive. At the intersection, you should see a orange building ahead of you, labeled "Taste". Park on the street or behind Taste.

Neil deGrasse Tyson in Jacksonville in April

For one of the café's organizers, one event that crystalized his interest in science was listening to Carl Sagan speak, at a full auditorium in Tallahassee Florida. He thinks that one of the scientists that are are continuing the legacy of Feynman and Sagan is the astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Dr. Tyson is speaking in Jacksonville, at University of North Florida's "Distinguished Voices Lectures Series", on Tuesday, April 13. It will be at the UNF Arena, and is free and open to the public, but requires a ticket. Tickets will be available beginning March 16.