
Topic, "Common Misconceptions of Evolution"

Hi. This month we will have a fascinating discussion at our Cafe Sci at 7PM on Wednesday 1 June, at Taste, in College Park.

Jonathan Smith is passionate about science education, and few topics in the sciences are as misunderstood as biological evolution. Evolution is the unifying theory of biological sciences, and without it very little of biology makes sense. It remains one of the most respected theories in science, and yet in the general population in the United States, about the same percentage "believe in evolution" as "believe in ghosts". In a poll spanning 34 countries, only Turkey ranked lower than the US in acceptance of evolution. Dr Smith will discuss the myriad ways evolution isn't accepted, and how a science-literate public can dispel myths and educate others.

Dr Smith has his PhD in Science Education, is a founding member and Vice President of the Florida Citizens for Science, is a lifetime member of the National Center of Science Education. He is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, was one of the framers of the new Florida State Science Standards, and consults on science education.


717 W. Smith Street
Orlando, United States

Taste is near the corner of Princeton Street (really Smith Street after the fork) and Edgewater Drive, so about 2 minutes from I-4 to parking. One can park on the street or in the parking lot behind Taste.

From I-4, drive a few blocks to Edgewater Drive. At the intersection, you should see a orange building ahead of you, labeled "Taste". Park on the street or behind Taste.